the authenticity project.
the story behind the name.

the story behind the name.

Authenticity. A bold statement, yet one that feels so right for what I want my work to embody. We live in a world where everyone strives for perfect aesthetics, pretty things bring us joy and give the impression that we have things all figured out. Yet spaces and images and people that embody this pressure to be perfect can sometimes feel like a stage set, with costumes and characters to bring the show together in the performance of a life time. Life is no stage set. We are not wearing costumes and we are not characters. We are people with feelings and emotions and instead of provoking feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, I want to provoke feelings of joy and inspiration. Walking into a truly beautiful yet functional space takes our breath away, makes us stare with awe at the ingenuity of the person who designed it. The space is not trying to be perfect because nothing ever is, instead it is trying to be authentic, to provoke raw, real feelings and to do its best to serve those who are using it to the best of its ability without them even realising. Spaces that really work are those which allow you to use them with an effortless ease that is engrained so deeply into the design that it is almost undetectable.


I am a student at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design of the Interior and Environmental Design department. My work is not perfect. It does not always embody this philosophy in which I wish it to. Yet that’s the whole point of it all. I am on a journey of discovery, a series of trial and error in this life as a designer. I’m not always going to get it right but it’s the effort that I put in that counts. No one is there to tell you what it’s like to pour your heart and soul into a project. No one tells you how hard it is to consistently create on a daily basis. To have your work critiqued and whittled down to a grade on a sheet of paper. It is not until you are there, in that studio late at night, with a deadline looming over your head that you truly understand. Yet I want to authentically share my journey, my thoughts, my process and what it is really like to be a design student. It’s so easy to pretend that it’s easy, that it’s a walk in the park. But it’s not. It’s exhausting and mentally draining. It’s a constant challenge, yet one that I thrive upon. Fully immersing myself into a project is all I know. It’s what motivates me every single day. Each day that I try my best to create something true to myself is a day I am proud of. That is why I am here.