kicking off fourth year with a focus to the end result, our first project was focussed on producing a design for our end of year degree show. this would encapsulate the way our work would be displayed, how visitors would interact with our projects and what they might be able to take away from the event. in groups we had to come up with a concept, then come together as a class to decide which elements from which group we wanted to take forward to come up with a final design. my group focussed on the transparency of the work, how to make sure visitors understood what our projects were and how to move through the space to view them all. our design was one that slotted together and needed minimal construction or parts. it featured a cinema booth for people to stop and relax while viewing our concept videos, which the class decided to take forwards into the final design.
once we decided on a final design, we set out on the task of sourcing the materials we would need to construct it at 1:1 for the degree show. this meant spending a day in the metal workshop in the university experimenting with the best way to construct the legs of the design, and also finding someone to outsource the cutting of the birch ply we had decided the table tops would be made out of. with much generosity, Dovetail in Dundee agreed to do this for us and invited us up to the workshop to see our designs begin to come to life. see below photos of this exciting trip!