the space in between.
a redesign of level five of duncan of jordanstone college of art and design. a space that is currently underused and only really used for circulation to other areas of the building. the space in between is a concept which aims to manipulate those passing through the space to traverse it rather than walk along either side.
“Although we live in a technicolour world, our own lives can be very black and white. We keep ourselves in line, we play by the rules and we push ourselves only to a point. The 21st Art School is an environment that operates in ‘the space in between,’ the grey area that exists in which we constantly push the boundaries of what we thought was possible, widening our minds and our creativity and bridging the gap between the ideas in our heads and the world that surrounds us. ‘The space in between’ is where the magic happens, where the fine line between order and disorder becomes blurred and the possibilities are endless. There is no straight pathway to our future and so the space reflects this. The left hand wall is unexpectedly not perpendicular to the end of the corridor, forcing the inhabitant of the space to traverse its width rather than use it merely as a means to an end. The entrances to the lecture theatres along this wall gradually get deeper and deeper, glowing with an ethereal white light to draw one into the learning environment. The seating area on the right hand side also glows with this white light, encouraging one to stop and stay a while, instead of using it as a transitory space that is just a path to one’s destination. “The space in between’ is a place to be explored, to push boundaries and encourage creativity and break down the fine line between order and disorder.”
Sophie Moore