
i wasn’t going to write this week, what with work and birthday celebrations for the lovely Josi, I didn’t want to force it, to try and push the words out for the sake of it when I didn’t have anything I felt called to say. But, as random as it may be to post on a Sunday, I don’t want to end the week without coming to this space and reflecting on the days that have passed. Its become a ritual of sorts for me, a release of my thoughts at the end of the week to let go and reset before a new one begins. And so here I am, sat in the sun in ørestedparken letting the birdsong and distant sounds of the city beyond wash over me.
I love days like this, when I pack my bag with my camera, journal, a book and a picnic and just wander. A day with no plan other than to see where it takes me. To daydream about the lives of all the people that pass me by, to feel the breeze in my hair and bask in the glorious-ness of living another day.
We’re fed this idea that the perfect life should be full of adventure, of big dreams, of loud and flashy moments like a movie reel playing the highlights. That working hard and hitting milestones are indicators of a life well lived. That a weekend well spent is one of socialising and celebrating the freedom we have for a short 48 hours between 5 days of exhaustion and stress and responsibilities. As much as I love making the most of that freedom, of spontaneous nights out and reckless fun, it leaves me feeling drained and more exhausted than the weekdays do. My favourite day of the week is a Sunday. A cup of tea enjoyed in the early hours of the morning, a day bursting with promise ahead of me, with no expectations or pressure to do anything. Those final moments of freedom before real life resumes on Monday morning. Sunday is a slow day, made for relaxation and rest, a day for family and laughs, for walks and cake, for a soft reset before the new week ahead. I could live in a Sunday forever. To prioritise being intentional with my time, to follow my intuition of what feels good and go with the flow. To let go of the rush, the increasing speed of productivity and busyness. For my motivation for doing things to be because it feels aligned and not because I ‘should’ do them. For me that is what makes a Sunday different from the other days of the week. I have a feeling that if every day was like this the novelty may wear off eventually but it’s Nice to dream. It’s nice to have that vision of how I want my life to feel as often as possible. A vision of living a life led by taking care of myself, of listening to myself and following what my heart desires. A life of intentionality and alignment with what serves me most.
I wish this kind of life was the default. That it didn’t feel like so much of a fantasy. Deep Down I think we all want this kind of life, but that it looks slightly different to each of us. It takes a kind of courage to actually chase it though, to reject the normal way of living and to prioritise ourselves in that way. It can feel selfish, unrealistic because you’re carving a path out for yourself instead of joining the motorway with the rest of the world. But in this rejection one comes to realise that this one size fits all version of a good life isn’t the whole truth. There is no recipe that leads to happiness that we can all follow and get the same results. We have to make up our own recipe. Try out different ingredients and methods until it tastes just right, for us as individuals instead of the collective. Your recipe might look similar to mine, it might not. What tastes good to me might make you want to spew. But that’s the magic of life. It can be so incredibly your own that no one else understands the sweetness your tastebuds experience but it doesn’t matter as long as you allow yourself to revel in it all. You can have your cake and eat it too. I hope you have the courage to try and make it, to allow yourself to enjoy it with every fibre of your being without feelings of guilt or greed. I hope each day feels like that perfect Sunday, or that you at least get to experience an abundance of them amidst the surprises life can throw your way, both good and bad. I hope you find your recipe for a good life. I really do.
Happy Sunday my loves.
if you want to hear more about my journey towards a more authentic existence, follow me on instagram @the.authenticity.project and on medium . see my photography work on instagram @s.ophiea.lice and connect with me on linkedin.
big love to you all x