bask in your light

there are times to let go of who we once were and times we must push forwards towards who we are meant to become. seasons come and go, each asking something different of us as they pass us by. For so long I was in a season of letting go, of shedding all the stories and memories that were pulling me down and taking the time to discover who lay beneath it all. in the letting go I began to set myself free. I was able to spread my wings and begin flying towards all I am destined to be. The season changed and I was able to use all the wisdom I had collected to share my words here. I was able to be authentic about the lessons I had learnt and the magic I was discovering on the other side of them. I think the seasons might be shifting once more.
when we experience shifts or changes in our lives and a change of momentum, it can be so easy to lose ourselves a little. Our rituals and routines are so easy to return to in spaces that are known. Life becomes rhythmic and we are able to flow between all the facets of ourselves when we have solid, familiar ground beneath our feet. periods of change shake this all up. We have to find balance between what is Familiar and discovering all that is unfolding around us. We have to learn how to use our rituals and routines to ground within ourselves when the ground beneath our feet is unpredictable and unfamiliar. Everything might feel uncertain around us but we will always have that soft groundedness within us as long as we remember to return to it over and over again.
for a while I felt as though the ground was so stable beneath me. I flowed to and from myself with ease, my rituals became the highlight of each and every day and life had a rhythm that felt peaceful and true. And then the ground beneath me shifted, became unfamiliar in reflection of the big life changes that I found myself existing within. I lost the rhythm and therefore spent less time residing in the groundedness that exists with me. I had so much to discover and learn as I welcomed this change into my life, trying my hardest to do so with an open mind and an open heart. my focus was directed towards welcoming what was ‘out there’ into my heart that I forgot for a second to embrace all that is already in my heart.
Life is always moving forward whether we feel ready for it or not. Seseasons change and shift with the passing of time and things change and shift within us in reflection. Yet the core of who we are never changes, our soul’s unique light continues to shine through each season we find ourselves in. The cycle of letting go, followed by pushing towards expansion is how we are able to allow that light to shine brighter within us. The light requires us to nurture it, to hold it at the centre of all we do. We must shed the burdens that threaten to dim it and seek spaces and opportunities that allow it to shine authentically and brightly so that we might share it with others that need it most.
sometimes we forget that the person who needs our light most might be ourselves. sometimes what we need most is a pouring of our own light and soul truth into our being so that we might return home to ourselves. seasons may shift outside of ourselves but the pouring of light into us is how we stay grounded while navigating unstable or unfamiliar ground beneath us. Remembering this is what’s helping me feel less lost as everything changes around me. Remembering this is what helps me find a sense of home as everything changes within me. Where I am and what I want may change and evolve as life shifts around me but at the core I still have me, my home within myself.
don’t forget this, my loves. You have a blessed unique light within you that you can reach in each and every moment. It is carried on your breath, lilts within your voice, shines within your eyes and is woven into every fibre of your being. All you have to do is slow down enough to sit with it, to hold it within your heart and just breathe, just listen.
Inhale, exhale. Let the light wash over you, let it glow from every pore.
This is your grounded space.
This is your home.
You carry it always.
May you always remember how brightly you shine when you find that home within yourself.
if you want to hear more about my journey towards a more authentic existence, follow me on instagram @the.authenticity.project and on medium . see my photography work on instagram @s.ophiea.lice and connect with me on linkedin.
big love to you all x