an uncertain future.

I am reaching a time in my life where I have to start thinking about what I want my life to look like post university. As if that isn’t terrifying enough in itself, the mere idea of finding someone other than your lecturers who see value in the work you do feels laughable, let alone seeing potential in your future. Its a big bad world out there, full of people just trying to make it in life. Who’s to say you are any better than they are? Who’s to say you’re a more valuable risk to take in employing than anyone else? Yet before you even reach the answers to these questions, you need to know what exactly you want to do, or at least have an idea. Working this out is no mean feat, what with such a world of possibility, so many different companies claiming to be the best at what they do. A world so full of promise and possibility really is your oyster. It’s all rather daunting isn’t it?


Yet in those moments when I allow myself to truly daydream about the future, I am beginning to see glimpses of what my life could look like in the very near future. I want to tell stories, to use my visual thinking to bring ideas to life, to showcase the narrative of every project in interesting and visually exciting ways. I want to showcase the beauty in the world, to show how I see things and allow people to look through my eyes at the world. I want to travel, to see every corner of this beautiful planet and see which stories I find along the way. That is my idea of truly living. What is a life lived without stories, without tales to tell of the things you have done and helping other people tell theirs is one of life’s simple pleasures. What will my story be? Stay tuned to find out…

Every great design begins with an even better story.
— Lorinda Mamo