Sophie Moore


Sophie Moore

well, it’s fourth year now and the hand ins are starting to get a lot more serious let me tell you. as part of my dissertation module, we had to select which style of writing we wished to use for our final dissertation assignment, and following where my interests lie, I chose to do a piece of journalistic writing in the form of a short printed magazine comprising of three separate articles. I decided my topic would follow on from my interests in shared spaces and so I started researching which of these I might wish to write about. Although much of my work in the past has had some element of influence from the co-living movement, another I have also been interested in is the co-working space. I decided this was what I would take forwards and ended up writing more broadly on the issue of the workplace. bringing together the topics within this that interested me the most, I went on to write about the following three topics : workplace wellness, designing for productivity and an abundance of absence. read below my final submission.