thesis pt.2
hello again! so pushing on with the development of the thesis project and I have been wandering around the studio and the art school documenting the ways people do their work through photography, which I'll add in below. I did this in order to help me identify the problems with the setup as I want my final design to be a positive working environment that is flexible for different ways we all work. No day at work is going to be the same, just as no two tasks will really be the done in the same amount of time. i want to create a workspace that reflects this, that adapts to the various needs of those using it and to start making the move towards a more effective space for everyone.
Off I went with my camera on a wander around the art school to take photos of my fellow students using the facilities and getting their work done. The photos over the next few pages document my findings in the different spaces that work can be done within the Matthew Building of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. My findings concluded that for a lot of the subjects within this building, not a lot of sitting at desks was done. Being a practical discipline, design requires the use of lots of different machines and materials to bring ideas to life. This is not so different from other modes of work as every job consists of different tasks that are done using different tools and time periods. How could I take inspiration from this more hands on way of working and implement it into solution that works for as many scenarios as possible? How could I provide the flexibility that these different spaces in the school provided to its students in an accessible way to people from all areas of expertise? How could the typical workplace set up of a desk and chair be adapted to answer to all these questions I have raised? This is what I needed to develop.
I have noticed while taking photos that:
1. people like standing up at their desks.
2. the facilities in djcad encourage more movement than other working environments due to them being spread out.
3. people enjoy having their own space to work.
4. people also like having the freedom to work in different spaces.
5. lots of cups of tea are being consumed.
6. long hours are being put in, this makes me wonder how time can be broken up to avoid dips in productivity.
7. the building lends itself perfectly to ‘going for a walk’ to take a break which my classmates do often.
8. people like to be able to see outside, level 8 does not facilitate this.