You have time

another week where I’m struggling to find something to say. I’ve been majorly procrastinating for this reason but I’ve finally convinced myself to put pen to paper and simply show up. To remind both you and I that inspiration and motivation come in waves. That sometimes we are bursting with creative energy and full of ideas we can’t wait to share with the world. And sometimes it takes all of our energy just to sit down with the intention to create. sometimes it can be hard to know what you want to say, how you want to show up. It makes you question yourself.
A creative life is seasonal. And I don’t think that spoken about or acknowledged nearly enough. A society built upon capitalism, productivity and hustle culture would have you believe your worth as a creative, hell as a person, is dependent on your output, frequency and consistency. to be successful, one must be productive every moment of the day, rest is to be earned and treated as a necessity rather than a priority. Time spent feeling blocked, uninspired, burnt out or just generally unproductive is wasted. It makes me so frustrated to witness all the ways this mindset is so deeply ingrained into literally every facet of our lives, how much of this narrative I have internalised as I’m sure you have to. It’s what had me procrastinating all week, putting off writing because I didn’t have any idea what to say. I procrastinated because without already having an idea, I thought I had nothing worthwhile to offer you.
I’m struggling. Struggling to know how to show up here and also honour the season I am in. A season of questioning and taking time and space to find my way back to myself and my creative practices. The rhythm of my life has changed and I’m still getting used to it. I’ve been holding expectations of myself to maintain the momentum and inspiration I felt before that change which is impossible. i’ve been getting so frustrated with myself for how slow I’ve needed to go despite working twice as many hours a week then I was used to. I’m only just beginning to acknowledge and honour the fact that this means I have entered a new season in my life. One that requires a lot more nurture and rest. that requires a much more conscious effort to recharge and ground myself.
I need to change my mindset to align with this new season. To acknowledge how much strength it is taking to continue to show up to this space despite feeling lost for words and lacking confidence in my ability to write well. To remind myself that my words are merely an extension of myself, that I write to speak my truth. That is more important than stressing over ‘writing well’ in my humble opinion. As long as I write from my heart, authentically, honestly, vulnerably I have shown up in this space as intended.
So, your weekly reminder is this :
It’s okay to go slow.
To need rest and care and to take your time.
It’s okay to adjust your pace to match whatever rhythm you find your life taking.
It’s okay to feel blocked or uninspired or need to procrastinate or take a break.
it’s okay to find it hard to show up to your passions, your art.
Honour the season you are in.
Take care of yourself, your mind body and soul.
Listen to what each part of yourself needs and then lovingly give it to yourself.
You don’t need to rush, You are not behind, You have time.
if you want to hear more about my journey towards a more authentic existence, follow me on instagram @the.authenticity.project and on medium . see my photography work on instagram @s.ophiea.lice and connect with me on linkedin.
big love to you all x